

Our company was founded almost 50 years ago, concretely in 1967 when we used to manufacture metal toys but nowadays we are specialists in plastic toy manufacturing.

Our company is located in Ibi (Alicante), in Toy Valley. This has allowed us throughout our history to develop new safer  toys every year , with the best quality and respectful with the environment. 

The investment in I+D+i  is essential for Albero Vilaplana that nowadays has the best tecnology formed by 14 60-550 tons injection machines, 5-10 liters Blowers and Mould in Label Machines, all of them located in our facilities of 10.000m2.

Every year our staff develops new toys that we release to the market (trade) and for them we have more than 200 references in our catalogue divided in 6 product lines: Trucks, Ride-ons, Beach, Playmats and Snow.

Due to our international character we are present in the main toy events in the world, for that reason, we participate in “Toy Fair of Nuremberg” and in the “Hong Kong Toys & Games Fair”, two of the most important fairs of the sector.